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Notable Projects

Notable Projects: Text

Compton Union Building

Recommendation Report

In the Fall of 2019, my team and I conducted a study to determine the satisfaction level that consumers had about the vendors. We began by conducting field research in the Compton Union Building to assess and compare the number of consumers at each vendor. Next, we created and distributed a survey to the consumers at the Compton Union Building at Washington State University to determine the satisfaction level that consumers have about the vendors. We also distributed a survey for students at two surrounding universities. Lastly, we conducted secondary research to find correlations between food and mood and energy. The major findings were that the majority of consumers are not satisfied with the current food options and would prefer healthier options.

Notable Projects: Text

Couer D'Alene Casino

In Spring 2019, my team partnered with the Chinook Lounge to create digital media the lounge can use for advertising and branding. After meeting with members of the marketing department as well as the Chinook Lounge, we determined that a variety of marketing videos would be beneficial. The videos created differ in length and style resulting in a wide variety of content to be posted. The content is focused on showcasing the unique services the Chinook Lounge offers and the mood and ambiance it brings to customers. Since the videos are different lengths, they can be posted on many different social media platforms.

Notable Projects: Text
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